Scar Tissue Ruining Your Life?
We all face injuries, accidents and surgeries that create one of our body’s most amazing structures, scar tissue. It is normal for the body to form some scar tissue following any trauma or surgery as a result of the inflammatory response. But, should the area not be able to work up to normalized movement or if experience pain that limits us for a time afterwards, then scar tissue that originally formed to protect us while healing, becomes an integral part of a new and very different posture.
Many times people develop restrictions, muscle problems and structural pain shortly after surgery and trauma from the formation of excessive amounts of scar tissue. Even normal scar tissue can develop into adhesions which, if ignored can bring on later symptoms such as infertility, chronic visceral pain and even organic obstructions. There is evidence to suggest that 67% to 93% of patients will develop adhesions following abdominal surgery and 55% to 100% of patients will develop adhesions following gynecologic surgery.
It is normal for the body to form some scar tissue following any trauma or surgery as a result of the inflammatory response. But, should the area not be able to work up to normalized movement or there be an alteration in posture as a result of the trauma, then scar tissue becomes an integral part of the new structure, causing restricted movement and various tensions on tendons, ligaments and even organs themselves. Our own compensation for trauma, such as shifting our weight to an undamaged leg when walking, or sitting differently, can perpetuate incorrect postures and put pressure on our organs in ways that our bodies have never experienced. These organs can react in ways that we would never realize are caused by scar tissue.
One example would be my patient R. She had given birth two years previously by C-Section. Shortly after the birth, she noticed lower back pain which never seemed to go away. She tried everything and no matter what, the back pain would not subside. Then when her period returned, it was so painful, she could barely stand up, which was completely different from prior to her pregnancy. Her doctor suggested medication, but it didn’t seem to help. Then she began to experience numbness in one leg, particularly during the night. After three sessions of manual scar tissue treatment, she was pain free for the first time in three years. Within two months, her period symptoms had abated completely. All of this was due to extensive scar tissue that had developed as a result of her C-Section which had extended through her abdominal cavity to adhere to the spine pulling her spine forward towards the front of her body.
When adhesions form around the stomach, intestines or digestive tract, dysfunction such as constipation or abdominal pain may result. When it occurs around the uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, infertility may result. Even chronic inflammatory conditions can cause adhesions to form which disrupt normal function throughout the body. We have even seen scar tissue in the shoulder from a rotator cuff injury be a contributing factor to gall bladder issues. Even the removal of an unwanted tattoo can create problems for nearby structures.
Specialized Scar Tissue Treatment is a combination of manual therapies designed to increase mobility and decrease pain. These can include Myofascial Release, Visceral Manipulation and specialized Swedish work. One technique uses gentle stretching which gives the area a feeling of an "indian sunburn", which then loosens stubborn scar tissue for a permanent shift in the posture of an area. It can free up muscles, tendons, ligaments, organs and nerves so that normalized function can be restored.
Generally, three treatments will provide a noticeable improvement, allowing for follow-up treatments to be further apart and the changes become longer-lasting with each session. It should also be said that the longer the scar tissue has been present and the more scar tissue that exists, the more treatments are necessary for change to take place. This is unlike other styles of massage therapy, as this focuses on very particular areas, instead of a more body-wide approach. I also do not recommend this therapy within six weeks of surgery nor for conditions that might worsen with treatment such as keloids, endometriosis, active infections or hemophilia.
Don’t live with chronic pain and restriction that can be disabling. If your symptoms began shortly after surgery or injury, then you can be certain that scar tissue is partially involved. Seek out a solution today and regain your natural balance.