Trust vs. Distrust
Trust is a way of being in the world. It is taking a position, a resolution to conceive aspects of life as trustworthy. It is a confidence both in oneself, in others, and in the world.
While the nobleman lives in trust and openness with himself, the man of resentment is neither upright, nor nice, nor honest nor straightforward with himself. His being is restricted... Nietzsche "On the Genealogy of Morals"
Trust is a way of being in the world. It is taking a position, a resolution to conceive aspects of life as trustworthy. It is a confidence both in oneself, in others, and in the world. T rust, together with love and reverence, provides the foundation of our emotional and spiritual well being. It includes being prepared to accept all possibilities that life brings us, to accept our fate, keeping our integrity. Trust obviously makes us take responsibilities and risks as we let go of any control and accept the face of uncertainty with a special kind of confidence. Authentic trust does not exclude nor deny distrust, but rather accepts, embraces, absorbs, overcomes, and transcends it. It often comes from overcoming bad experiences and betrayals.
BLIND TRUST is being naïve and self-deluding. BASIC TRUST is the product of a safe and secure upbringing. A UTHENTIC TRUST is to decide TO TRUST AND TO CULTIVATE IT. I t is a choice for us to make.
Those who insist on controlling find it impossible to trust anyone or anything. Disappointment and self-destructive paranoia become a way of thinking and a way of being. Lack of trust is locking oneself into a vision that makes, what can be a good life with flourishing human relationships, impossible. It is well known that people who have a penchant for distrust, envy and resentment, feel far worse than people who are optimistic and trusting. Opening up to the world seems like foolishness and fatal vulnerability as they foreclose their vision.
Total trust is the creation of a perfect world. Total distrust is the foundation for a "sad" world.
Dr. Marie-France Hankinson provides private emotional, mental, spiritual and energetic therapy. For more information, please visit her website at — Dr. Marie-France Hankinson