Fertility Under Attack

The graph below is very telling.  It points out that 60% of infertility can be attributed to one partner or another.  This isn't success in fertility, just the identified cause.  Then there is another 40% that is really anybody's guess.  Attributing infertility to the combination of the partners is usually not able to be clearly explained, nor is it often successfully resolved.  Then there is the "unexplained" which is anybody's guess.  I love "other" which is somehow different from "unexplained".  The eye-opening result of this graph is that worldwide, the conventional infertility treatments offered (IUI and IVF) have a success rate that ranges between 10 and 20%.  That means that only 10 to 20 women out of 100 that are treated for infertility successfully conceive.  

Natural Fertility is something that I began working with many years ago in trying to help someone I love.  It was a journey that has gradually become a mission ... to help women struggling with fertility challenges to bring beautiful healthy babies into the world naturally and effectively.  So far, my success rate using natural methods has been 90%, 9 out of every 10 women that I help go on to deliver healthy lovely babies.  This is because I take the time to really look at all the factors in your life that can influence your overall health, not just your hormones. Pregnancy is a team effort of all your body systems.  And your health can be affected by many things that conventional fertility treatments don't even consider.

So why do women still travel the IUI and IVF routes despite such low success rates?  Because they don't know natural options exist that are incredibly successful.  Conventional fertility is directed towards manipulation of hormones.  Hormones are only part of the story, and a small part at that. Here is a list of just some of the things that were preventing fertility in the women I have worked with:

  • Fear

  • Insomnia

  • Mold

  • Undiagnosed Thyroid insufficiency

  • Scar tissue

  • Tipped uterus

  • Navel displacement

  • Over-exercise

  • Low blood quality

  • Anxiety

  • Alcohol

  • Fibroids 

  • Electro-magnetic radiation exposure

  • Low oxygenation

  • Undiagnosed uterine injury

  • Low protein intake

  • Chronic allergies

  • High oxidative stress to cells

  • Long work hours

Were any of these things identified or even addressed by their fertility doctor?  No.  That is why they remained infertile.  The truth is that hormones are usually the effect of a problem, not the cause of it.  Even when a woman has had hormonal problems since puberty, it is the result of an unidentified imbalance or unresolved issue.  I can't tell you how many women have told me that they have had severe cramps that made them almost pass out, blood clots that would create a deluge when they stood up or only a thimble-full of blood, and their physician told them that these were normal periods.  The only solution ever offered women were birth control pills, pain killers or anti-depressants.  And then they wonder why they have fertility challenges. 

The health of the period and the hormonal cycle is one piece, but there are many other pieces including toxin exposure, immune history, organ placement, stress, emotional burdening, and the strength of the body systems.  Pregnancy is a challenge to the body and if the body's resources are low, energy is weak and the immune system is battling on many fronts, then pregnancy is a danger and body will not allow it to occur, or will end it shortly after conception.  

The best way to have a child is to ensure optimal fertility of both partners, not just enough to get pregnant.  You are delivering everything your child needs throughout its' growth beginning with the very first cells.  So you need to be the very best you possible.  Conventional approaches to fertility do very little to address nutrition, ignore toxic load and rarely discuss lifestyle.  If you have experienced fertility challenges, then you need to begin thinking outside of the hormonal box.  Start identifying the things that would make pregnancy challenging, honestly.  Think about nagging symptoms that never go away.  What are the things you are doing that you know are unhealthy for you?   

Fertility and pregnancy don't just happen.  They are created.  What you put into that creation determines what will come out in the end.  Literally ...