Rediscovering the Secret to Preventing Stiffness!


Breast Calcifications


A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away it was generally known that there was a specific fat-soluble nutrient that prevented stiffness and the accompanying arthritis, swelling and pain. It was known as Wulzen Factor and it was found in raw milk, green vegetables, raw soybeans, unheated molasses and sugarcane juice. Aside from the green vegetables, we don’t really consume these foods and I know a few people that run away from green vegetables.

The Wulzen factor was named for the results of the dietary research of Wulzen and Bahrs at the University of Oregon way back in 1936 with guinea pigs. They discovered that there is a fat-soluble compound that is steroidal (anti-inflammative) that would prevent the build-up of calcium in living tissue. The issue with arthritis is not just that the joints are inflamed and degenerating, but that calcium is building up around the joint which prevents movement as well as absorption by the cells of much-needed nutrients. So in reality calcium is actually accumulating outside of the joint which prevents calcium from entering the joint. Think of the deposits that accumulate in any water system on valves, pipes and reservoirs. As they accumulate, they prevent the flow of water, just like they prevent the flow of blood and lymph in the body.

Even before these calcifications were noticeable in the joints, there was a weakening of kidney filtration, calcifications in breast tissue, calcified lesions in the liver and changes in blood immune cell values. This mimicked symptoms found in humans with stiffness diseases such as arthritis and scleroderma. They found two distinct patterns of calcification - those that were solid in soft tissue and causing thickening of bone such as spinal stenosis. The second type were long lace-like patterns that were under the skin and through the muscles and fibrous tissues such as in lung crystals, dermatomyositis and cataracts.  Along with this they found that collagen, essential to all fibrous tissue, had developed necrosis (spontaneous death of cells) which increased the loss of flexibility and structure.

This led to the obvious step of applying these concepts to a group of human patients suffering from various conditions that included stiffness, collagen loss and calcium accumulation.  They found that if they administered a concentrated form of the anti-stiffness factor daily there was a generally 50% improvement in symptoms and associated inflammation over the span of two months.  

Because this and other studies were done in the dark ages of clinical research, their findings have been ignored and the idea of Wulzen factor has been relegated to the dust bin of ideas. But I have found in my clients that increasing their anti-stiffness factor along with a remedy to increase collagen restoration and protection made notable changes over time.

I think that this is a lesson that historical views of a condition may have something to teach us. Especially when modern medical methods and treatments have failed to create improvement or come with some terrible side effects, why would we not turn to history to find a possible solution?

My recommended protocol is: Standard Process Betacol in gradually increasing doses, pure raw butter oil and Zycal Professional Strength 5X. Since the liver is the location where snit-stiffness factor is released, it also points towards a need for a clearing of the liver and the bile pathways. These people will often have regular constipation along with their condition because of the sluggishness of the liver. After all, the Chinese taught us that everything can be traced back to the liver!