Putting the Brakes on EMFs

Regardless of which side of the argument you stand on regarding the dangers or delights of EMFs, the truth is that many of us have known someone who has suffered from EMF exposure. This may not just be about the EMFs, it may also be about their sensitivity. EMF’s (electromagnetic fields) are everywhere and are not just generated by man’s obsession with innovation and technology, but are also found in the remotest places in nature. Even going back to knob and tube wiring, the field they generated was quite large because the wires were not insulated in any way. The purpose of insulation is to block the “loss” of electrical charge. In this way the percentage of delivery to the target location (plug, device, machine, etc.) is higher and more efficient.

But in today’s world we have something we did not have years ago - WiFi. This is the idea of sending radio waves through the air and essentially throughout our homes, our communities and ourselves. There is no idea of insulation because the purpose is to deliver the signal to as many places as possible. This is what has prompted the development of 5G.

So now we are living, sleeping, working and existing within a sea of electromagnetic fields. We still do not have any concrete research showing how this affects us, but there is a lot of experiential data that indicates many people have developed illness and symptoms from this exposure. This would logically be more difficult for children whose bodies are smaller and yet we have placed modems not only in our schools and in our classrooms, but often with multiple ones in each classroom.

Unless you are going to move to northern Maine and completely unplug, including your toaster oven, your cell phone, your computer and your clock, how can you lessen the effects? The answer is to pick and choose your battles and try to find ways of offsetting your exposure.

So What Can We Do?

First of all, determine your sensitivity level. Many people due to pre-existing conditions, higher heavy metal toxicity in their bodies or metal clips or implants, may have more sensitivity to EMFs. I can remember always knowing as a child when a radio or television was turned on in any part of the house and even in other people’s houses. If someone already has a neurological condition, seizure disorder, pituitary tumor or concussion, then they are going to be more affected by EMF activity. One great way to see how sensitive you are is to sleep in a different place, even in a tent in the back yard. I have so many patients that tell me they have never slept as well as when they were children … and that may be truer than they know! Another is to consider getting a more natural type of brain scan such as European Regulation Thermography or SPECT (Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography). This can tell you how healthy your brain is to begin with.

So the next step is to take a break from technology yourself. Go outside, change your environment, even staying out of your car (which has become a huge source of EMFs with all the latest technology). The more you can do this, the more you will notice how sensitive you are when you return. You have to get used to living without instantaneous connection. If you can do this, then you can consider unplugging your WiFi when you don’t need it - when you leave the house, when you go to bed, when you are doing other things. This also may mean learning to function without WiFi again, like not watching a YouTube video while cooking, not using your phone or IPad in bed or not checking emails/social media constantly.

Now reduce the volume of EMF sources in your home. Get a reasonably priced EMF detector and walk your house to see where the largest concentration of EMF levels are. Then try to determine what is contributing to this so you can reduce them, relocate them or eliminate them altogether. You’d be surprised what you’ll find that create EMFs. Even a normal, everyday fan creates EMFs. The next step is to reduce, replace or eliminate electrical devices. Completely turn off your cell phone and opt for a landline availability for normal calling when home. Consider a clock that is not electrical, have one television instead of 3 or 4. Turn off your computer and laptop when not in use. Unplug things that are not being used such as lamps in rooms that you don’t use often. Get rid of the electric blanket, the electric heating pad, the automatic coffee maker.

Try considering specialized low-EMF power strips to plug in your devices. This way you can turn off everything with a simple switch. One quick and easy way to see how many EMFs are around is an AM radio. If you notice when you’re driving, as soon as you are near cell towers or under a lot of electric and phone wires, the radio begins to buzz.

But as I pointed out, we aren’t the only producers of EMFs. Sunlight, thunder storms, crashing waves at the ocean and the circulating energies within the earth are also behind EMFs. These have shifted and increased over the centuries with loss of the ozone layer of the atmosphere, changes in the sun itself, tectonic shifts in the earth and the effects of human presence across the globe. So realize that even if you live in a remote corner of nature, you may be in an area with a lot of earth/atmospheric EMF activity.

So all of us need to think about ways to work within our body physiology to maintain our health and balance. One great option is our go-to remedy EMF Protect and Balance homeopathic medicinal. It’s a great way to help clear the effects of EMFs on the body tissues. Combining this with brain neuroprotective herbs and remedies can make a huge difference in your body’s ability to modulate and thrive in the face of EMF assault. Consider a high grade Ginkgo Biloba, Bacopa and even Gotu Kola as part of your daily routine.

Another important remedy we recommend is a specialized Resveratrol herbal formula that has been clinically shown to repair damaged DNA. It is the only one we have found that really changes the degeneration of DNA fragments. This plus high grade antioxidants in your food and in your supplementation can really support the creation of healthier cells and tissues.

It may be many years before we know for sure how EMFs affect us, but our investment in technology may make reversing the trend essentially impossible. So start being smart now by picking and choosing your battles with your devices and supporting your body along the way.

Karen Clickner