Death May Be the Result of Resistance
You might be thinking that I'm speaking of war, where resistance often means death... or perhaps you think I mean in a test of strength, where resistance eventually leads to death. But in fact, I'm talking about our own bodies. One of the things I've noticed in my practice is that often I will give exactly the right thing, and yet the body does not respond. What I often forget is that everything takes time. I return to my favorite analogy, the pool. Open a pool that has been closed for many years and it will smell worse than breath this morning after the cake, whiskey, corned beef, indian food, ice cream day-long celebration I had yesterday! So you have to turn on the filter and wait. Even though the filter may be working perfectly and everything is doing exactly what it is supposed to, that pool won't be swimmable for a while!! The fact is that when the human body has gone without for a long time, even once you give it what it was missing, it has developed a resistance over that time which will take even longer to overcome. If the deficiency remains uncorrected, or the missing element is restored too late, then death is imminent even if it takes years. This is the holistic view of almost every debilitating and chronic illness. It is the manifestation of body resistance that has developed due to deficiency in some form over time.
What got me thinking about this was an article about the tree drought in the western U.S. a few years ago. After the drought ended, record numbers of aspen trees began dying, leading to more tree deaths than during the drought, and it has affected 17% of aspen forests in the western states. A study conducted by Stanford University discovered an interesting fact. The aspen trees had lost their ability to transport water through the roots into the tree itself. The wood had become so dry, it was resistant to the reintroduction of missing water.
Now this won't be a surprise to gardeners. You know by looking at a plant that you've forgotten to water, at what point it is a hopeless case. In my case it might more often than the average person because I have a habit of thinking that time stands still in my garden until I return there a week later assuming that everything will look as perky and weed-free as it did when I left it. Delusional, I think would be the term for that... In any case, the issue is to gradually reintroduce missing elements, to scrape away the dead wood (i.e. detoxify when talking about the human body) and give time a chance to work its magic.
You just can't underestimate nutrition, water, air and a comfy bed on a Sunday morning. The basics have to be taken care of every single day which is why I harp about Catalyn, the miraculous multi-vitamin, Kangen Water and the idea of relaxation. Most of the patients who walk through my door need nothing more than those things for a period of time before you decide what really needs tending!
Meanwhile, I'm realizing that I have two plants out on my porch that I've completely forgotten about for at least three weeks... should we guess what they look like? They probably match all my other indoor plants - at least they all complement each other...