The Singing Cells

One of the things that we may not realize is that our bodies create sounds that are undetectable to our ears. These sounds are the result of vibration and movement which is inherent in every cell and essential to every tissue. It has often been described as the “singing of cells”, but isn’t just about sound. Vibration is also part of light and there is a ghostly glow that is visible from our cells (just the thing to think about in this season of Halloween!). These two forms of energy are vital to our life and amazingly critical for our health. The healthier the body, the more vibration that exists. The sounds that our cells create is an indication of their regulation and metabolism.

This is something that Emoto noticed in his extensive research on water. He found that the vibration of the molecules in water would change depending on the sounds and environment they were exposed to, even music or the human voice. Since our voice resonates inside our body, this explains how the words and phrases we use are a factor in our health. When we say that emotional distress can create illness, we don’t just mean biochemically, we also mean its effect on the resonance of cells. This also means that we can control the sounds and vibrations that our cells create through our emotions, our words and our actions. It is also believed that these sounds and movements are how cells communicate with eachother, particularly within complex systems such as the immune system. I believe this explains how patients can come in to my office and tell me they know something is wrong but no one will listen to them.

There is an innate system of knowledge that we have which is created by our cells. Their sounds and movements have an effect on our thoughts, feelings and perhaps even memories. The more living foods and water we can provide daily to our bodies, the more resonance our cells will be able to have since both living foods (vegetables, fruits) and water have their own energetic resonance.

The decongestive lymph therapy that we provide at Conscious Body is based on this knowledge of vibration, light and sound resonance. It is how the lymphatic flow and body fluids are mobilized, draining toxins and bringing fresh fluid to cells and tissues. This is creating health and change at a deep, cellular level and it is the true core of health care.

Karen Clickner