Do You Know What Your Frequency Is?

I know it sounds like I'm talking about a radio, or some electronic thingy, but in truth I'm talking about the human body.  For centuries, we have found thousands of little clues to the fact that we are electrical and therefore must by definition, emit some type of resonance or vibration, as all electrical devices emit EMF's (just watch Ghosthunters to hear all about EMF's). Polarity practitioners, Reiki masters, chakra devotees, all know beyond a shadow of a doubt, that when we are healthy, our resonance is different than when we are ill.  Craniosacral Therapy is based on the idea that the cycling of our cerebrospinal fluid varies with our health and levels of stress.  Doctors can tell you conclusively that when you are stressed your blood pressure rises.

So it only makes sense that the resonance of your body would shift as your body's health shifts.  Different chemical combinations, different mineral levels, different body processes, and so different resonance.  This is where natural options come in...

Natural medicine in the form of herbs, homeopathy, therapy, food ... all involve living things.  Herbs, when created using cold-processing methods, maintain the resonance of the plants they came from.  Homeopathy uses a similar formula encapsulating the resonance of the living world.  Food, both in your diet and in the whole foods found in specific supplements, also provide a resonance.

And these resonances, just like memories, evoke the natural world in our bodies, remind us of our part in our environment and bring us back into balance.  The more we can maintain our own healthy resonance, the more resistant we will be to illness, stress and debility.  Eating whole foods and taking whole food supplements isn't just a fad.  It's the only way you will be able to age in this society without experiencing serious, debilitating and fatal illness.  There is nothing better for your future health than knowing what your frequency is...