Growing up one of the phrases that I think I heard more often than any other was "it's all in your head!". This would usually be said in response to my stay home from school mystery illness, or when I tried to tell my mother that aliens had landed in the back yard. But the truth is that everything really is all in our head, every symptom, every illness, every ounce of healing.
Read MoreHave you ever noticed when you're driving, that you can almost think that you want to move over into the next lane, and the car that's in your way obligingly moves?
Read MoreI know it sounds like I'm talking about a radio, or some electronic thingy, but in truth I'm talking about the human body.
Read MoreRecently a very wise man said this to me. It really made me stop and think. Color pretends to be realistic.
Read MoreI loved the movie Highlander. Not just because I love Sean Connery when his brogue is broader than the Corrieshalloch Gorge. But because demonstrates one of the most basic concepts in life, literature and the pursuit of happiness… absorbing the energy of things around us.
Read MoreOne of the things I tell every patient I see is that whatever you intuitively feel are the health concerns with your body, are true.
Read MoreWhat I find myself missing is the silence and the time outs that were an inherent part of my earlier life; my life before cell phones, e-mails, texts, twitters, and the general oppressive and compulsive nature of technology. After I came back from a vacation, I found myself not answering my cell phone, not returning messages, not turning on my computer and generally craving being outdoors and unplugged. And an interesting thing happened.
Read MoreMy friend Gargi is a world class yoga master and she has spent long hours trying to teach me Kapalwhatchamacallit. Actually it’s called Kapalbathi and it is an ancient and amazing form of breathing. Honestly, there is not a single condition, symptom or disease that will not improve with this type of breathing.
Read MoreWell, now I'm really shivering because I've just read an article in Smithsonian about harvesting the energy from our own bodies to make gadgets work. Are you worried about this? Am I the only one afraid of becoming a Borg?
Read MoreWe make fun of people who hear voices, but listening to your inner voice is not so crazy. I always tell people when I'm working with them, to listen to that inner voice and to weigh information in light of it. Your inner voice is where healing begins.
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