Posts in Energetic Medicine
It's All In Your Head

Growing up one of the phrases that I think I heard more often than any other was "it's all in your head!".  This would usually be said in response to my stay home from school mystery illness, or when I tried to tell my mother that aliens had landed in the back yard.  But the truth is that everything really is all in our head, every symptom, every illness, every ounce of healing.

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I'm Not Listening!

What I find myself missing is the silence and the time outs that were an inherent part of my earlier life; my life before cell phones, e-mails, texts, twitters, and the general oppressive and compulsive nature of technology.  After I came back from a vacation, I found myself not answering my cell phone, not returning messages, not turning on my computer and generally craving being outdoors and unplugged.  And an interesting thing happened. 

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