The idea of pain medication is to block the nervous system from either detecting or reacting to the challenge. Now the positive note is that by doing this, it allows you to relax more, to sleep more, to regain function more quickly. But is there a negative side?
Read MoreOne thing I see day in and day out is that each person knows their body better than anyone, even their doctor. Yet they will tell me they have a diagnosis, are receiving treatment for the diagnosis, and still feel that their body is not "right". We need to realize that our doctor is our advisor, not an infallible clinical textbook and I am sure they would be relieved if we stopped seeing them this way as well.
Read MorePeople always assume I never get sick - that is patently untrue. The difference is that my symptoms are less, it is less virulent and it doesn't last as long. Real health means that your body can weather an immune assault with minimal discomfort and emerge on the other side intact.
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