I want to give you some advice so that you don't automatically despise anything that reminds you of your Aunt Flo coming to visit, cousin Red, the crimson wave, having the painters in, riding the cotton pony, being on the rag, shark week, trouble in Ladytown, or that time of the month.
Read MoreA patient used to be a person who would seek out solutions for their health conditions and then would wait for them to work. The time needed was usually determined by the speed at which their body would change and move toward healing. But now we are a world of impatience.
Read MoreWhy are we all becoming so sick we are calling 911 when we are supposedly the healthiest people with access to organic food, stringent pollution guidelines, unleaded gasoline, pure water?? Or are we ...
Read MoreOne of the most difficult things about natural medicine is that people come to it for a solution after they have already exhausted every other option they can think of. Resolution of anything in life is not spontaneous, it takes time, patience, dedication and money. But it also takes a belief in a different life, a different possibility.
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