Fibromyalgia: Fact or Fiction?


When we think of pain, we think of injury.  The physiology of the body teaches us that pain is simply caused by restricted nerves and lack of blood flow and we look for injury as the most logical reason.  But pain is often much more elusive than that, and fibromyalgia falls into the elusive category.  Just because we can't point our finger at it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.  The pain of fibromyalgia can steal a person's life one fiber at a time.  Fibromyalgia is thought to affect 3 to 6 million people, predominantly women from 25-50 years of age.  This condition is characterized by localized tender points in certain muscles and their insertion points, making the musculoskeletal aspect of this condition the predominant characteristic. Most fibromyalgia patients have a history of abnormal thyroid function, often undiagnosed or treated unsuccessfully, and disordered sleep patterns with chronic insomnia, sleep apnea and restless leg syndrome.  And so here lies the clue to the mystery.  When you have a long-standing thyroid insufficiency and chronic insomnia (which is often the result of low thyroid), then the adrenal glands weaken.  Because of the glandular insufficiency fibromyalgia patients have a lowered metabolic rate.  Any normal muscular activity can trigger an inflammatory response, which is the result of perfectly normal everyday activity.  But with the adrenal glands in a weakened state, cortisol is reduced and so the body's natural ability to modulate inflammatory responses is compromised.  So the musculotendinous junctions become sore and irritated.  They can't heal and be restored, so further use becomes further torture.  This will happen often in the muscles of the neck, shoulders and jaw as well as the supportive muscles of the lower back, the hips and the legs.  Whatever muscles are used most often will be the ones that tend to remain in crisis.

Because we tend to move our body in similar ways each day, the repeated daily stresses can begin to affect nerves and joints of the body as well as muscles.  It can especially cause problems by limiting the range of mobility we have.  Think of carpal tunnel or tennis elbow.  Might these be the result of untreated fibromyalgia?  Activities such as computer data entry, playing the piano, a tennis game and assembly line work can repeatedly put pressure on the same key nerves, unbalancing structural muscles and changing the way in which joints move.  Not just Carpal Tunnel, but bursitis and tendinitis can be the result.

So fibromyalgia may just be the beginning of our structural problems.  It may also be the best indicator of adrenal fatigue.  For men, one of the most common complaints is pain in the lower back and again, chronic strain of the lower back, combined with weak abdominal muscles and pelvic imbalances can create inflammation that the body just can't handle.  The result can be herniated discs and sciatica.

So what is the best solution for fibromyalgia?  Revitalize the body by starting with your glands.  Treating the thyroid and the adrenal glands will do more for you in the long run than anything else.  It is also important to supplement your mineral reserves because chronic glandular insufficiency and uncontrolled body inflammation can deplete essential minerals such as magnesium, zinc, iron, manganese and chromium.  Often a serious viral history can be the trigger for fibromyalgia and so loading up on zinc can really make a difference.  Often a sign of zinc deficiency will be acid stomach problems and GERD.  In fact studies have shown that Natural Killer cell activity seems to be consistently reduce in those suffering from fibromyalgia and in 20% of cases, auto-antibodies and immune complexes are elevated.  Blood testing can confirm this for you.

Restoration of the glands is achieved with a selection from the following:

Desiccated Adrenal - this may sound yucky, but trust me, it's an amazing restorative alleviating severe exhaustion, fatigue and low adrenal output.

Drenamin - food-based longer-term adrenal support particularly good for people under long-term stress, people with chronic allergies and hypoglycemia.

Drenatrophin PMG - an adrenal protomorphagenic compound, this is used for adrenal burn-out and respiratory weakness. Essential for asthma sufferers.

Rehmannia - this extract for the adrenals can provide energy in 30-45 minutes.  It acts as an anti-inflammatory and counters cytokine release.  5 -8 ml in the morning is excellent to reduce systolic blood pressure.

Ashwaganda - in this instance, ashwaganda twice per day reduces cortisol levels and allows the body and mind to relax.  However, it may keep you up at night, so if insomnia really is an issue, take your second dose in the afternoon. 10 ml per day.

Licorice - this extract has so many uses, but here, it helps with all the symptoms of phase 3 adrenal depletion, particularly excessive fatigue digestive problems like GERD and low blood pressure. 4 ml per day, preferably in the morning.

Nevaton - if you are going to bite someone's head off and then run off and cry about it for hours, then this is the formula for you.  It is the best for balancing your emotional state and supporting a depleted nervous system.  Essential for those fighting chronic anxiety.  3-4 tablets per day.

Eleuthero - particularly good for poor sleep and complete exhaustion. 5 ml or 3-4 tablets per day.

St. John's Wort - if you believe that a viral incident was the trigger for your symptoms, then consider this herb.  It has the strongest antiviral action along with great effects for nerve conditions such as sciatica and neuralgia.  Secondarily, it is an antidepressant which also increases neurotransmitters and growth hormone. 3 tablets per day.

Valerian Complex - because when you need to sleep, YOU NEED TO SLEEP.  This is the remedy for you.  It can be combined with California Poppy for knock out a horse strength.  3 tablets (plus 2.5 ml California Poppy if needed) one hour before bed.

Saligesic or Boswellia Complex - this herbal complex is the very best for painful muscles and joints. Give it a few weeks to kick in.  3-4 tablets per day.

Celery Extract or Turmeric Extract - if you have both muscular and joint pain, similar to the feeling of arthritis, then try these herbs to reduce musculoskeletal symptoms. 2.5 ml of each twice a day.

Bupleurum and Feverfew - if you also suffer from headaches, then the kidneys need a bit of work.  Increase your water intake to 1/2 your body weight in ounces per day, and take 5 ml of each herb twice a day.  Great as an anti-inflammatory and immune-modulating.