The idea of emptiness is something we struggle with. This also extends into our digestive tract and if you think about it, this is an area of our body that is never empty unless we make a very focused concerted effort.
Read MoreDo you know what your blood pressure is? Do you know if you are borderline anemic? Did your last blood test include A1C? How many different physicians do you see in a year? The reason I'm asking these questions is because most people are letting their doctor do all the driving while they sit back and just watch the scenery go by.
Read MoreGrowing up one of the phrases that I think I heard more often than any other was "it's all in your head!". This would usually be said in response to my stay home from school mystery illness, or when I tried to tell my mother that aliens had landed in the back yard. But the truth is that everything really is all in our head, every symptom, every illness, every ounce of healing.
Read MoreOne of the most difficult things about natural medicine is that people come to it for a solution after they have already exhausted every other option they can think of. Resolution of anything in life is not spontaneous, it takes time, patience, dedication and money. But it also takes a belief in a different life, a different possibility.
Read MoreWhen we were kids, some of my fondest memories were rolling down a grassy hill, slinging mudballs at my sister and eating snow (well, not the yellow or dirty snow!). Now everything is antibacterial, kids live in sterile capsules and we are constantly washing everything in sight.
Read MoreOver the past couple of years I have been spending more time with my friend's children. It reminds me of my grandfather's stories about walking 400 miles to school each day through the snow in the same pair of shoes for 18 years. What brings up those reminiscences are the sheer tsunami-size flood of toys that require batteries.
Read MoreWhat I realize is that whenever I drink alcohol now, even half a glass of wine, I will get a headache and/or hot flashes which is a pain in the ass when I am trying to focus on an intensive seminar that I paid an ungodly amount of money to attend, and all I can do is think about rolling around on a glacier in Iceland - which I recently did, but not because of hot flashes. Here’s what that really means…
Read MoreMy thoughts after 15 years, 13,000 clients, numerous therapists and supporting natural medicine in the Boston area.
Read MoreOften the point of balance in an ecosystem has to do with controls. When you introduce something new, often there are not any built-in controls for the new element, allowing the element to spread unchecked throughout the ecosystem. This can be beneficial or it can be very destructive whether the ecosystem is an environmental one or the inside of your body.
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